user research, insights synthesis, needs framework, visual identity, collateral design


PETICATION was a 9-week ethnographic exploration to unearth insights around pet owners’ relationship with pet health—specifically centring on experiences relating to pet medication in Canada and the US. Leveraging insights uncovered during this research, our team of five designers and researchers identified design opportunities surrounding North American pet medication.

Simplified framework, with design needs categorized by must have, should have and nice to have.

Simplified framework, with design needs categorized by must have, should have and nice to have.


Research methods included observation, in-home and telephone interviews, cultural probe and sensory cue kit workshops with pet owners in Savannah, GA and Toronto, ON. Data was synthesized and developed into a visual framework outlining the pet healthcare experience from the owner’s perspective.

This investigation included heavy user-centric research and strategy, as well as graphic/industrial design to support visual and physical tools and results of the project.


Our team was able to identify and prioritize more than 20 emotional and physical needs and beliefs held by dog and cat owners of dogs. The findings were presented in a visual framework organized across a typical journey of a pet owner seeking out and administering healthcare for their pet, as well as a digital book digging into the specifics of each need. These results are available for organizations to map their current or proposed pet health products and services agains to design solutions with actual pet owner requirements, and leverage in a user-centred roadmap or service blueprint for pet medication prescription, acquisition and administration.

Above: Draft wall poster, designed to be folded up into a “map” that can be unfolded in sections on a desk.

Below: select spreads from project summary/process book, including research methods, raw data and user insights.

Credits: Sara MacLellan, Rithesh Rama, Will Sanders, Taylor Pesesky, Jing Xia

With guidance from: Kwela Sabine Hermanns